Welcome to the Trademark Policy section of Tinaguitar. This policy outlines the proper use of our trademarks, logos, and brand materials. Please review the guidelines below to ensure compliance with our trademark rights:

Ownership and Usage:

"Tinaguitar" and related logos are registered trademarks owned by Tinaguitar. You are prohibited from using our trademarks in any way that may cause confusion or misrepresentation, or in any way that implies an affiliation, endorsement, or sponsorship by Tinaguitar without prior written consent.

Permissible Use:

You may use our trademarks in a descriptive manner for the purpose of accurately referencing our products, services, or website. Such usage should be accurate, fair, and non-misleading.

Unauthorized Use:

Unauthorized use of our trademarks, including altering or modifying them, is strictly prohibited. You may not use our trademarks as part of domain names, social media handles, or any other identifier without our explicit permission.

Report Unauthorized Use:

If you come across any unauthorized use of our trademarks, please report it to us immediately at prteam@tinaguitar.us. Your assistance helps us protect our brand integrity.

Please remember that this is a brief overview of our Trademark Policy. For more detailed information and guidelines, including proper usage of our brand materials, please refer to the complete Trademark Policy section on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns related to our trademarks or their usage, please contact us at prteam@tinaguitar.us.